Credit product with automatic repayment with each receipt
- Flexible financing for long-term business planning
- Financial product adapted to the needs of the client
- Structuring the loan according to the specific requirements of the client
- Quick response after submitting the necessary documents
- Long repayment period - up to 120 months
- Individual repayment plan in accordance with the business needs
- Option for multiple utilization and repayment in the amount and term of the loan
- Possibility to extend the term
- No requirement to repay the limit before extending the term
- Immediate access to additional funds
- Absorption from your current account and automatic repayment with each receipt
- Optimal management of interest expenses
- Financing needs related to normal and daily business activities
- Payments to recurring suppliers
- Advance payment to suppliers
- Timely payment for goods and services
- Funding of unexpected costs
- Increasing the range
- Providing an option for deferred payment to your customers
- Suitable activities - retail, shops, warehouses, etc.
- The amount of the loan is determined by the solvency of the borrower, the structure of the transaction and the collateral offered
- Up to 40% of the annual sales revenues and up to 40% of the credit turnovers on the borrower's current account with D Bank and other servicing banks for the last 12 months for existing customers
- Up to 20% of annual sales revenues and up to 20% of credit turnover on the borrower's current account with other servicing banks for the last 12 months for new customers
- The amount of the loan is in accordance with the credit turnover on your current account with D Bank and / or other servicing banks
- Utilization of the agreed amount for the specified purpose fully or in parts
- Absorption and repayment of funds on your current account without prior application
- Option for cash and non-cash absorption of loan funds
- For up to 120 months depending on the collateral offered, the structure of the transaction and the customer profile
- When refinancing liabilities to other banks, financing of fees and commissions related to the early repayment of the refinanced exposure is allowed
- Without presenting a business plan and estimated cash flows
- All collateral acceptable to the Bank
- Recurring payments
- Periodic payment of expenses for goods and services
- Providing deferred payment for your customers
- Advance payment of orders to suppliers