Municipalities, structures and enterprises


D Bank has specific experience in financing budget organizations, municipal enterprises and structures, state enterprises or enterprises with state owned shares in its capital. Our loan portfolio provides flexible financing, in accordance with the specific needs of each individual client, inluding:
  • Revolving financing, incl. overdraft loans, credit lines, standard working capital loans;
  • Investment financing;
  • Bridge financing;
  • Combined credit products;
  • Term up to 120 months;
  • Eligible collateral - own revenues and / or other property;
  • Attractive interest rates, depending on the term, amount of the loan, and the type of collateral.
  • Bank guarantees - bank guarantees and letters of credit with priority issuance and preferential fees, depending on the coverage.
  • Other financial instruments - depending on the dynamics of operation and the specific needs of each of our clients, we offer timely and cost-effective solutions for debt financing, assignment of receivables from contractors and others.